This workshop will be for historic organizations, municipal officials and anyone interested in preserving their community’s heritage. Each topic will focus on a different aspect of historic preservation, from working with municipal officials, advocating for preservation with developers, adaptive reuse and promoting heritage tourism. Find out what works, what doesn’t and what you should do when your historic resources are threatened in your community.
Paul Steinke- Executive Director, Preservation Alliance of Greater Philadelphia
Bob Linn- Architect, Linn Architects
Mario Oliva- Haverford Township Commissioner
John Custer- Former Newtown Township Supervisor, Real Esate Attorney, Trails Advocate
Doug Humes- Newtown Square Historical Society, Real Esate Attorney
Ray Gamble- Monument Homes & Construction Technology Services
Light refreshments will be available between 8:30 and 9 am and during a 15 minute intermission.